Eczema Natural Remedies

Eczema is a skin disorder with itching and exudation. It mostly affects the body’s regions under frictional stress, like thigh curves, knee backs, armpits, etc.

Also, it can appear on the palm and foot when exposed to irritants

The region affected is susceptible, with signs of itch, irritation, and inflammation.

Eczema is not a deadly or life-threatening disease, but its symptoms greatly disrupt a normal lifestyle.

Though incurable, it can be well-treated and controlled. Treatment is by the use of drugs, and control is by restraining things that trigger aggression.

Besides physician prescriptions, one can follow these natural methods to control the symptoms.

Eczema arises whenever the circumstances provide for it. So, it is good to be aware of those conditions and take the precautions needed.

The affected individual must have an idea of materials or substances from which he has to abstain. The materials that are to be avoided vary from person to person.

So everyone can have a list of things to abstain from, control, or treat his eczema.

Eczema Home Remedies

Eczema symptoms

A typical eczema appearance on the skin is,

♥ Red patch with exudation (weeping) causing tingling, itching, smarting, and blisters.

♥ The vesicle fluid becomes turbid, milky, and discharged due to vesicle rupture in 5 to 6 days, forming thin crusts on the surface.

♥ In severe eczema cases, there may be an occurrence of fever, headache, anorexia, etc.

What causes eczema?

Causes of eczema include

a) Individual constitution, i.e., irritability and hereditary aspects.

b) Stress due to overwork, anxiety, and irregular habits.

c) It may occur due to teething in childhood or due to dys-menorrhea (improper & painful menstrual periods) in a woman.

d) In babies, it is due to soiled undergarments by urine, poor nutrition, etc.

e) In adults, due to uncleanliness and excess sweating. Hence, you can see symptoms outbreak seasonally. It may be due to heat in summer or excess moisture in the rainy season.

Indigestion is also a prominent cause of eczema.

Eczema is commonly found in body regions like the corners of the thighs, scalp, behind the ears, the face, hands, and legs. This is further seen in obese patients due to excess folds in the body. So follow these tips for weight loss.

Eczema treatment by medicine

The physician tries to treat eczema mostly by external means. But, indeed, it is not caused solely by external irritation. So, one needs to be treated with internal and external help for the symptoms to subside.

To get prompt relief from symptoms, apply an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal combination cream in the area. Even you may be prescribed an antihistamine (anti-allergy drug). If applied for a day or two, this will greatly relieve symptoms.

Besides these physician-prescribed medicines, one can use natural means to treat and prevent eczema symptoms.

Eczema home remedies

Eczema can be treated and handled well by natural and preventive means. Any natural medicine that controls microbial growth, prevents inflammation and soothes the skin can be used. Here are a few of them

When you suffer from eczema, apply either

a) Coconut oil (anti-microbial, soothing agent, and also humidifier)

b) Honey (if small flare) (anti-microbial, humidifier)

c) Turmeric (anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial)

d) Aloe veraAloe vera gel is a humidifier and soothing agent.

Besides, if you are short of vitamins and suffer from eczema, Vit-D & Vit-E supplements help relieve the symptoms. Also, check the herbs for eczema.

Eczema Precautions

Eczema is not a curable disease, as far as I know. Though the symptoms subside and do not appear for a year or two, they can still reappear.

So here are the precautionary tips for subsiding it.  Also, these tips help prevent it from worsening when the symptoms start to appear.


Diet plays an important role in eczema. Whatever we feed inside shows its effects outside. Many individuals have an incompatibility with certain foods, which can trigger eczema.

People may generally not be compatible with dairy products, poultry products, wheat, seafood, potatoes, citrus fruits, etc. So, when there are symptoms of eczema, having these foods tends to aggravate it. The aim is to recognize which foods are allergenic and avoid them. The food we consume should not be allergenic and should not overheat the body to trigger the eczema symptoms.

During times of severe eczema, to get immediate relief, alter the diet. Consume more fruits and avoid spicy food altogether. Even avoid the use of wheat-related food if you reside in warm countries. It is better to stay on a milk diet; if you desire food, it should preferably be vegetarian.

Soap for eczema:

Haven’t you noticed that eczema worsens when applying soap to the region? Soaps made of sodium or other cationic metals enrage eczema. They are harsh on the skin and even leave moisture.

So, use natural soap for eczema.

Sodium is also an ion that holds up water, so it may help retain moisture for a long. So try to use organic soaps that are not irritating to the skin.

Even rinse the clothes thoroughly to remove the allergenic soap used during washing after bathing, allowing the area to remain dry. Use a fan or blower in cold mode.

Avoid heat and sweat.

Heat and sweat act as a trigger for eczema. Even there are cases where extreme cold stimulates eczema.

But many experience trouble during heat seasons. Try to stay in places of average room temperature and avoid sweating.


Eczema clothing is a crucial remedial measure. Try to wear clothes that are not abrasive on your skin. This includes innerwear and pants.

Clothes made of wool, polyester, acrylic, etc., must be avoided. 100% Cotton organic clothes are best and advisable for undergarments, gloves, and nightclothes.

Use cotton or organic fiber undergarments, especially if the eczema is near the groin.

Used dry Clothes

Eczema is worse, mostly in the rainy season and in summer. In the rainy season, one might mistakenly wear partially dried undergarments.

Avoiding wearing somewhat dried clothes promotes the growth of fungi-like infections, making the condition worse.

Reduce Stress

Stress is the primary factor and contributor to eczema. It can be both mental and physical stress, which has to be reduced in control of eczema.

Stress contributes to chronic eczema symptoms. So if you are stressed, reduce it by exercises, yoga, or meditation.

Also, try to keep the area dry with access to free air circulation.

It is good to clear the fluid and apply a moisturizer if it is too severe or even oozing.

Use soft water, i.e., without calcium or other salts, to clean the area.

Try probiotics:

Scientific evidence shows that lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains of bacteria help relieve eczema.

One can take them directly as pills or through a diet containing these strains.

Ayurvedic Remedy

Jyatyadi Taila is the best solution for externally applying eczema.

It works really well in adults and children, including newborns and infants.

Homeopathic remedy option

This is an interesting medicine system that claims to relieve and also cure eczema.

I advise finding an expert homeopathy physician and giving detailed symptoms and disease history.

Try Sulphur-30 thrice daily for 3 days, and you may notice remarkable relief of eczema symptoms.

If so, you may better consult a homeopath for your problem.


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  1. I have been struggling with eczema and have been seeking treatment for it lately. My skin must really not like heat or sweat, because those are my biggest triggers. My eczema seems to get worse when I am exercising, because I do sweat. Do you think that it is possible to get to a point where my eczema can clear up and exercising doesn’t affect my skin like that?


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