List of Medicinal Plants for Natural Healing : Uses and Benefits in Detail

Medicinal plants can be used to treat many diseases ranging from fevers to hypertension and diabetes.

These natural herbs are an essential source of drugs for alternative medicine systems.

These systems include Ayurveda, homeopathy, Unani, and even allopathy.

They are thought to constitute 80% of the total drugs used by humans.

These natural healing herbs are used to treat many diseases and disorders.

Their specialty is advantages like better compatibility in the body, easy metabolism, low side effects, and lower cost than synthetic drugs.

Further, they are not harmful to the environment after disposal.

They don’t require heavy manufacturing, expensive analysis, or storage facilities.

They retain their potency for a long period if stored well.

list of medicinal plants

Many of them can be used as homemade preparations during an emergency or can be bought as over-the-counter drugs without a physician’s prescription.

These medicinal plants come under different types of plants and are not restricted to one family or type of plants.

Readily Available Medicinal Plants and Herbs in the U.S.

Sl.No.Name of plantUses
1Aloe vera
(Aloe barbadensis)
Skin care, wound healing
2Amla (Indian Gooseberry)Immune support, skin and hair health
(Withania somnifera)
Stress relief, anti-anxiety, mood stabilizer, energy booster
4Black pepper
(Piper nigrum)
Digestive aid, appetizer, anti-inflammatory, enhances eructation
(Elettaria cardamomum)
Expels gas by eructation and a Digestive aid
6Castor oil
(Ricinus communis)
Natural Laxative and skincare
(Eugenia caryophyllus)
Dental analgesic, anti-septic, digestive aid
(Coriandrum sativum)
Carminative, Digestive aid, anti-inflammatory
9Eucalyptus oil
(Eucalyptus citriodara)
Respiratory issues, cold relief
(Foeniculum vulgare)
Expels gas, digestive aid, anti-inflammatory
(Allium sativum)
antilipidemic (reduce fat), Immune support, heart health and anti-hypertensive
(zingiber officianale)
Nausea relief, digestive aid Anti-spasmodic relives gut pain.
13Glycyrrhiza (Liquorice)Expectorant and anti-inflammatory
14Halorheana (Haritaki)Diahrrea relief, Digestive support, detoxification
15Peppermin oil (Mentha oil)
(Mentha piperita)
Expels gas by eructation, cold relief, rubifacient.
16Papaya (Carica papaya) Digestant, wound healing.
17Senna (Cassia angustifolia)Natural laxative
18Tribulus terrestrisUrinary and reproductive health, energy booster
The above medicinal plants can be used for specific disease conditions. However, one should take them with proper medical advice.
Sl.No.Name of plantSourceUses
1AconiteAconitum ferox –plant rootSucculent leaves. Used as a hydrating agent for smooth skin
2ArjunaTerminalia Arjuna-Tree dry BarkHeart health, removes vessel blocks.
3BelladonnaAtropa accuminata leaves & flowersPain relief, muscle relaxant (toxic)
4BanafshaViola odorataRespiratory issues
5CarawayThe dried bark of Rhamnus purshianaExpels gas by eructation, Digestive aid
6CascarCathartic (in constipation), hair growth promoterAs laxative
7Ceylon CinnamonCinnamomum zeylanicumAnti-inflammatory, digestive aid
8Citronella oilCymbopogan nardus-volatile oil from leavesMosquito and Insect repellent.
9Egyptian HenbaneHas essential oils with uses like Expectorant (removes phlegm), and counter-irritant.Relieve spasms of the urinary tract & gripping effect of purgatives
10GinsengPanax ginsengIs immunomodulator. See the benefits of ginseng.
11IpecacCephaelis ipecacuanha-dried roots & rhizomesTo induce vomiting (emetic)
12IsapgolPlantago ovate-To relieve constipation (laxative)
13CuminCiminum cyminum-dry ripe fruit Ciminum cyminum-dry ripe fruitStimulant, carminative
14Lemon grass OilCymbopoganRelieve stress, ease nausea, regulate blood pressure
15Palmarosa oilCymbopogan martini-volatile oil
from leaves
Insect repellent
16Peruvian barkCinchona ledgeriana-dried barkAnti-malarial drug
17PyrethrumChrysanthemum cineraria folium flower headsSandalwood oil
(Dioscorea villosa)
Dioscorea composite-dried tubersFor rheumatic arthritis
19RauwolfiaRauwolfia serpentine-Dry rootsFor high blood pressure, psychosis.
20Sandal wood oilSantalum album-volatile oilUrinary infections, skin health
21Giloy/ GuduchiLeaves and stems of Tinospora cordifoliaFor fevers
22TulsiOcimum sanctum-fresh & dry leavesAsthma, bronchitis, diarrhea.
23TurmericCurcuma longs-dry rhizomesAnti-septic, anti-oxidant, condiment
24Turpentine oil.Pinus roxburghii-volatile oilCounter irritant (for pain relief)
25Vetiver oilVetiveria zizanoides-volatile oil from
Relive prickly heat and itching
26VincaCatharanthus roseus-entre plantmedicinal plants for cancer treatment, anticancer herbs
27YewTaxus baccataDry leaves, bark & roots.
The above medicinal plants can be used for specific disease conditions. However, one should take them with proper medical advice.



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