Physical workouts are important for vibrant health. Of them, many people think of going for a walk or jogging.
But again, the question of which of them is better arises for many. Both tend to enhance the flexibility in muscles and joints. Also, circulation, respiration and other physiology are stimulated.
But some find it difficult to jog while others find it boring to walk. So the conflict of benefits arises between the two.
Walking every day is better, but I do not oppose jogging or running if you are fit enough or habituated.
Uncomfortable: Of the two running and walking, running is uncomfortable. It brings agitation of the body vigorously. This raises the heartbeat, gushing for breath, sweating, etc. Also, if it the first time, the muscles ache. While walking, most of these issues do not arise. Moreover, it is a body activity and not a mere exercise or agitation.
Special accessories: Running and jogging require some accessories like shoes, a treadmill, etc. For walking, one can be fine even without shoes. Walking on bare feet also has advantages as the foot has physiological control senses. This even reduces stress.
Habituation problems: For of them face habituation problems even for the smallest exposures. They habituate easily for drugs, food, habits and anything else. For these people, if they run today and do not do so tomorrow, they feel uncomfortable. In many instances, like while traveling or when the climate is not suitable, one may not have the scope for running. In those times, a person who did run daily will experience discomfort if he does not run due to circumstances. This is because he is habituated to run. On the other hand, walking is not a problem. He can even do it indoors as a natural activity.
Self-control: Running is a just mere agitation in many people. It does agitate heartbeat, respiration, circulation, etc. There are fewer chances of self-control on the individual in such agitation. While walking is a controlled activity. Self-control enhances one watch on his health.
Suitable for all ages:
People of all ages can go walking. Like kids, adults and even old. While running may not be suitable for older people if they did not have a habit of it.
For health compromised people: People with back or joint pains cannot go running but can go for a walk. In other diseases like cardiac problems, doctors advise not to go for a run and instead walk. Walking is even believed to enhance the strength of heart muscles.
A part of life: Walking can be made a part of life. Instead of putting some time aside just like we do for running, he can walk to his office or workplace. If one does not have time for exercise, walking is better as they can do it while shopping or at work. But for running, one has to devote some time.
Also, you can check out yoga versus gym, which is better. This indicates which sort of exercises are better.