Natural Remedies for Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids, also called Piles are swollen veins in the anus due to constipation and hard stools. These can be so painful and difficult to cope with.

The article is intended to relieve hemorrhoids in stages 1 and 2 and not further, which require surgical intervention. Further, it is also not meant for piles with other complications like polyps and other issues.

The natural remedies for Hemorrhoids include

  1. Hemorrhoid suppositories & pylmukti tablets
  2. Jatyadi Oil
  3. Sitz bath
  4. Fibrous dietary supplements or food
  5. Triphala churna tablets
  6. Drinking water.

This is applicable up to second-grade hemorrhoids, too, without other complications.

Besides the above, having high-fibrous foods, staying away from oily foods, and avoiding constipation is beneficial.

Hemorrhoidsare the swollen red-colored external eruptions around the anus. They are the most painful and embarrassing experiences one can ever suffer.

With piles, sitting, walking, or even relaxing properly is difficult. It is a health condition that affects many people in their lives.

The symptoms of hemorrhoids appear as a mild problem in many people and may subside naturally.

But in some of them, it may be a full-blown problem. The symptoms do not disappear; instead, they worsen daily.

It is one of the lifestyle disorders that occurs due to a person’s irregular habits.

The only preventive remedy to hemorrhoids seems to be proper water and fiber intake in the body.

Regular Treatment for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoidal treatment can be very fast with a combination of allopathic drugs.

In practice, doctors prescribe local anesthetics, anti-inflammatory medicine, and laxatives.

Local anesthetics desensitize the area of pain and are helpful in relieving the pain immediately.

Anti-inflammatory medicine minimizes inflammation, which is the actual cause of pain, swelling of veins around the rectum, etc. These minimize the itching sensation and bleeding during stools.

Laxatives help relieve constipation, which is the main cause and persistence of constipation.

Antibiotics are also given, which help reduce infection-based inflammation, etc.

Further, one must avoid fried foods with much pepper, chili powder, meat, and chicken for faster recovery. Light foods like milk, fruit juice, curds, etc., can help relieve symptoms quickly.

The natural means to treat the hemorrhoids

The natural treatment of hemorrhoids aims to relieve constipation and varicose veins and associated symptoms. Besides, taking natural medicine for constipation helps in a faster cure and prevents future chances of re-emergence.

1. Hemorrhoid suppositories

Hemorrhoidal suppositories help in the treatment and healing of hemorrhoids and fissures.

But, one might find it uncomfortable to use them as they have to be inserted into the rectum.

However, they work better and help relive the problem faster.

Pylmukti tablets:

These are natural tablets that are used for treatment of piles.

These pylmukti tablets consist of a combination of herbal remedies for the purpose.

2. Jatyadi Oil

Jatyadi oil for hemorrhoids and fissures

This is a potent herbal oil that is highly effective for the treatment and cure of hemorrhoids.

Upon application, one can get relief from pain, heat, and itching.

Jatyadi oil minimizes the injuries and accelerates the healing.

3. Sitz bath

This is a procedure wherein a person sits in a hot or cold water tub for 10 to 15 minutes. Sitz bath will give you instant pain relief from the hemorrhoids.

By doing so, the area of hemorrhoids is exposed to warm water, to bring instant relief of pain.

In my personal experience, this is the best for the intense pain of hemorrhoids and also after surgical pain. Exposure to hot water helps increase blood flow to the area and minimizes itching.

On regular practice, the pains subside well and help heal the piles when accompanied by some medicine.

Even if you have undergone surgery for hemorrhoids, ask your doctor if you can use a Sitz bath for pain relief. It can be done as many times a day as possible to relieve the intense pain.

Caution: But be careful not to sit in boiling water. Touch the water before with your hand to decide if the water is not too hot so as to burn the skin.

4. Fibrous supplements or food

Lack of constipation is one of the first steps to relieving hemorrhoids. Eating fibrous food helps to evacuate the bowels with ease.

They retain more water in the gut and enhance mass, leading to ease and timely evacuation. For this, one must eat fruits and cereals; grams will help. Avoiding oil and spicy foods and minimizing non-vegetarian diets are helpful.

Fruits like Mango, guava, pineapple, and papaya have good fibrous content. When they are taken, they enhance the clearing of stools without straining. This relieves hemorrhoidal pains and symptoms.

5. Triphala churna tablets

Triphala is a combination of 3 herbal extracts that are prescribed in Ayurveda for gut health and relief of constipation. Triphala churna can rejuvenate gut health, so it is useful to prevent chances of constipation.

Even after hemorrhoidal surgery, there could be chances of re-emergence of piles. In such cases, taking Triphala churna tablets would help prevent the re-emergence of piles.

So if you are prone to piles-like symptoms, always have a stock of Triphala tablets as they greatly help relieve the symptoms and prevent their development.

Drinking water

Consume at least 5 liters of water daily if you are prone to piles. Try to have a bottle of water around and take a sip every 15 min or so. If you are young and suffer from piles, drinking less water could be a cause.

Other natural aids

Use of oil or soothing gels: One can use coconut oil or other soothing oils to minimize the pain. For this, the application at the site of the anus is beneficial. But see that there is no infection growing.

Siting: Sleeping or lying down are good positions in times of extreme pain. One should avoid a cushion or sofa-like chair for sitting, but wooden chairs with a hard surface will be helpful. Also, try to minimize walking and running in times of intense pain.

Dress: Wear loose-fitting clothes, especially around the abdomen. This helps to minimize the pressure on the rectum. Also, avoid belts and elastic clothing around the waist.

Physical exercise: It is recommended to avoid sedentary life. Every day, go for some exercise, like going to the gym or doing yoga to prevent piles.

Even if you work from home, try to go for a walk on a daily basis. This helps to bring movement to the gut.

When there is activity, the intestinal motility is fine. This helps the movement of the bowels and keeps them free from constipation.

Hard surface for sitting: When tend to sit on cushion surfaces or sofas for comfort. However, those with frequent symptoms of piles will find that sitting on a hard surface provides relief.

Avoid riding a bike: This may seem silly. But try to see by not riding your bike (not a scooter) or bicycle. You will see a decrease in pain and also bleeding during stools.

Also, go for stools when you feel the urge. Do not delay and avoid the urge.

For food, try to have a diet of plain milk or something mixed with milk or buttermilk. Avoid all the possible types of spice, and even avoid non-vegetables for a week. You will see a dramatic decrease in symptoms.

Symptoms of piles


In general, people experience the symptoms of piles during winter and summer. This seems quite interesting, but it is true.

The reason is that in winter, we tend to drink less water due to the fear of the coldness of the water. This leads to dryness and dehydration of the rectum, which leads to piles. Also, there is a chance that people use heat blowers, which aggravate dehydration. If you notice that you sleep in a room with a heater on during winter, your mouth seems to be dried, and you feel more thirsty. But you may not like to drink the water due to its coldness.

In summer, due to heavy temperatures and sweating, we likely get dehydrated, which is the problem.

Other factors include a high-fat content diet, spicy foods, chicken (non-veg), low water consumption, a sedentary lifestyle, etc.

The symptoms are seen in obese patients, pregnant women, children, and even adults etc.

  1. There is extreme pain during the passing of stools with chances of bleeding.

2. Blood drips drop by drop during stools from the anus or

3. One can even feel the fistula eruptions or bead-like structures near the anus during the passing of stools.

4. The symptoms are aggravated by constipation and subside by drinking more water in a day.

5. Also, sitting on a cushion-like soft surface aggravates the symptoms, while sitting on a hard and wooden surface relieves them.

Causes of piles

a) Water insufficiency is considered a prime cause. So when you experience symptoms of pain, doctors ask you to consume more amounts of water.

Less intake of water will increase dehydration in the body. So, the water from the gut is taken up to maintain the blood volume. In doing so, the mucous layer of the large intestine and rectum gets dried.

The bowels are also dry due to low water content. This leads to difficult movement of stools along the track, causing chances of rupture of the mucous membrane. During the evacuation, excess pressure on the delicate mucous layer of the rectum leads to bleeding, inflammation, etc. This leads to bleeding of the membrane, and hence, we observe blood in stools.

The blood in stools is the first symptom of piles, indicating low water content.

So when a person with piles consumes sufficient water, there will be quick relief from symptoms, as seen in many cases.

b) Fiber-less Diet: A diet without fibrous food is the next important cause. A low-fibrous diet like fried and junk foods enhances dehydration. This diet can even enhance inflammation and pain in the rectum. Having more fried food, meat, chicken, oil, etc., can cause piles. So it is good to have seasonal fruits, salad, and other vegetables to avoid piles.

c) Spicy foods: Piles are mostly seen in people who consume lots of spices, pickles, etc. Spicy foods disturb the normal rhythm of the digestive tract. They can irritate the gut and make it sensitive and inflamed. Once these remnants of spicy food reach the rectum, they cause further irritation and pain. Hence, you will notice that when you consume more pickled or spiced food, there will be pain during the evacuation. Minimal consumption of spicy foods will relieve the symptoms of piles faster.

d) Irregular bowel habits also cause piles. So it is better to go for clearing bowels when there is an urge.

e) Sedentary lifestyle: This is the common cause of piles. Lack of physical activity leads to inactive digestive gut movements. This causes constipation and, thereby, piles. So, to avoid this, one must have an active life with proper workouts and exercises.

Even those who work for a long time sitting experience piles. So it is good to work by standing and frequently moving in between.

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  1. having ibs-d I feel so depressed and as thugoh no one understands me. My faimly do their best but get get up with me always needing a loo now , athe most inconvenient times.Days out,ect are a nightmare althugoh thankfully I coped with son’s recent graduation, but have had a dreadful flare up this week which has set me back . It also weakens youI cant understand the flare up as I have followed my diet (as set out by a dietician ) faithfully. Am now scared of going out.Still I had 2 good months and thugoht I was getting there but after yesterday am back to square one.

    • @ Naoyuki! IBS is one of the tough ones to heal. Besides treatment, one need to have a proper life style, mild food (non spicy) and sufficient relaxtion to avoid stress. If needed opt for yoga to relive stress.


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