Menopause is the stage of a woman’s reproductive life when her physiology tends to cease. This leads to a decrease in the primary female hormones, viz. Estrogen and Progesterone.
From puberty to menopause, these major hormones regulate the female’s activities and metabolism.
Following menopause, a list of symptoms and clinical changes occur in a woman’s body.
The peri-menopause phase is the time leading to menopause. We assume it is menopause when ovulation is absent for 12 months.
This phase shows changes in women, both physically and mentally.
However, these can be tackled via various natural remedies, with lesser interference from modern medical drugs.
We will now discuss the medical symptoms and the age-old remedies to tackle them.
Natural Remedies for Menopause
Memory Problems
With menopause around the corner, women tend to forget small things like wallets or car keys. This could be a natural aging process, but it increases in intensity.
1. Green Tea
Accompanied by minimal side effects, green Tea boosts metabolism and immunity. It reduces the activity of the enzymes that damage memory.
2. Management of Stress and sleep
Stress damages memory; an adequate measure of managing stress can prevent adverse effects.
Adequate and regular sleep allows the mind to ease and cope with the challenges of day-to-day life.
Weight Gain
Weight gain can be minimized by
Exercise: Changing the estrogen level changes the body’s metabolism. Regular brisk exercise can help boost metabolism and keep the body in shape.
Diet changes: Menopause is the correct time to ponder dietary changes and consume fewer calories. Including more yogurt, oatmeals, soy, beans, and lentils, accompanied by ample water, keeps your body well-nourished and hydrated.
High Cholesterol
Cholesterol management is required since postmenopausal women are at higher risk for cardiovascular ailments.
Soy Beans and Red Clover:
Soy proteins reduce bad cholesterol (LDL), while red clover reduces triglycerides, reducing the total cholesterol level and enhancing our good cholesterol.
Flax: With phytoestrogen, it reduces LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol levels.
Whole Grain Oats: It reduces total cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart problems.
Vaginal Problems
Loss of sexual pleasure and leakiness of urine are two significant complaints by women.
Vaginal Moisturizers and Lubricants:
Though not considered a natural remedy, water-based lubricants and moisturizers do not cause allergies but make the vaginal wall thin to reduce pain and friction.
Vitamin E and Flaxseed Oil:
Taken orally or as ointments to apply locally, the combination relieves urinary and vaginal problems.
Containing phytoestrogen, it can work locally to relieve symptoms.
Estrogenic Herbs,
These help combat problems related to estrogen level imbalance:
Red Clover: it has effects on endometrial and breast cancers in vitro.
Black Cohosh: A North American Flower, it relieves hot flushes, PMS, and amenorrhea.
Licorice: A soothing, anti-inflammatory, supporting herb, it can cure menopausal symptoms. However, it shouldn’t be taken for a very long time since it can cause a variation in blood pressure.
Progesterone mimicking herbs
These herbs mimic progesterone.
Chaste Tree Berry: Contraindicated in pregnancy, it helps deal with anxiety, which accompanies PMS.
It increases the progesterone levels in the body, strongly influences endocrine organs, and strikes a balance.
Lemon Balm and chamomile
It helps increase focus and confidence; it relieves stress, panic, and restlessness.
Oats, in combination with Lavender and nettle:
This is highly effective during exhaustion or times of intense, sad emotions ( weeping-like). They are also suitable for reducing hot flashes and reducing anger in a perimenopausal woman.
For women experiencing night-time sleep problems due to anger or emotional imbalance, herbs like chamomile, rose, ashwagandha, and Lavender can be used for relief. They reduce brain overdrive and overthinking, allowing sleep to set in.
Hepatic Problems
With aging, the liver’s ability to metabolize is reduced. So, herbs like Dandelion roots, milk thistle, and motherwort can be used.
Yarrow was used previously; however, it leads to a tiny increase in the body’s temperature.