How To Prevent Dehydration |5 Practical ways

Dehydration is a condition of a lack of sufficient water in the body tissues and cells.

It can leads to many health issues like headaches, constipation, piles, pain in the urinary tract, kidney stones, infections, the acidity of the stomach, etc.

During summer, this can be severe leading to sunstroke that can endanger life.

Having water at regular intervals in sufficient quantity can greatly reduce the chances of dehydration.

But there are instances where one gets dehydrated without being aware.

Like during hot summers while working or going outdoors in uncovered mode.

During winters, when you do not prefer to drink the water due to excess cold (as even water is cold), also when one stays beside a heater for long to combat winter cold.

The hot air around makes you dehydrated fast. So one feels bleeding in stools as a first symptom of piles during winter.

Tips to prevent dehydration

1. Having more water and fluids at regular intervals.

Some recommend 5 to 6 liters a day but, even less will do as the body adjusts to set physiology. If you consume more water, you also go to emptying a lot of times.

If you have less than your body will adjust that volume by decreasing from the gut and other areas causing constipation, headache like issues.

So when you are up for physical activity or exposure to heat, the chances of losing more water from the body happen. In such conditions, have more fluids before you set out.

2. Wear metal bracelets

Metals like silver, copper, and gold are worn by people of some regions. They are not worn just for decoration or a custom. They are actually worn to minimize their body’s heat.

Water is expelled from the body to minimize the heat to a large extent. This is one of the reasons for sunstroke in summer, as the body does not have sufficient water to combat the heat.

So wearing metal bracelets made of gold or silver on the upper part of the body and limbs would help. Even one can wear copper-related bracelets to the lower limbs would decrease heat. This way, your body will need less water to manage the heat.

3. Having fibrous rich foods

Fibrous food will enhance water holding capacity in the gut. This makes the gut have sufficient water needed for the lubrication of the gut wall and move the food in it freely.

The excess water from the gut is reabsorbed into the blood. So this helps in avoiding dehydration as well as prevents constipation and the chances of piles.

4. Have dairy products


buttermilk a dairy product during the summer helps minimize heat and water loss through the sweat.

These products are a good source of nutrition that is easily absorbed in the gut and keep the body cool.

5. Having a pinch of salt with water

WHO recommends Oral rehydration salts (ORS) to keep your body rehydrated. In case of excess sweating Body loses water and salt.

Sodium chloride is the salt that holds water in the body. So, to keep you hydrated during the hot summers, it would be good to have a pinch of salt in your drinking water. If not, you can mix the water with ORS powder.

This is not advised by those who have high blood pressure and obesity.

6. Minimize High protein and fatty foods

When one consumes lots of protein and oily foods, they tend to feel more thirsty.

This is because more water is needed to digest and also expel them from the body. It would be better to consume lighter food for the hydration of the gut.


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